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This website is provided by Pad Up. Please read these conditions, legal notices and disclaimers carefully before using the site. Your use of the site constitutes your agreement to abide by these conditions, legal notices and disclaimers. While this site is constantly monitored and updated, Pad Up accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of the information.

By accessing the website at, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of service, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this website are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law.

Copyright notice

All material on this site is copyright of Pad Up or third parties working on our behalf. You may view the contents of the site on screen, and you may print one copy of any leaflets and factsheets contained on the site for that purpose, but if you require multiple copies of any leaflets or factsheets, please contact us via email or through social media.

Images for media use can be obtained by contacting us via email or through social media. No other part of this site may be copied, reproduced, published, modified, transmitted or broadcast without the prior permission of the team at Pad Up. The Pad Up logo is subject to copyright and may not be used without prior consent of the Pad Up team.

Images for media use can be obtained by contacting us via email or through social media. No other part of this site may be copied, reproduced, published, modified, transmitted or broadcast without the prior permission of the team at Pad Up. The Pad Up logo is subject to copyright and may not be used without prior consent of the Pad Up team.

Competitions and prize draws

From time to time Pad Up will run competitions and prize draws as part of promotions on this website. The terms and conditions specific to each will be detailed on the page related to the promotion or offer. If you have any queries regarding these or any other promotional offers, please contact us via email or through social media.

Need more information? Contact us